OAM Technology Consulting

1905 Iris Ave
Boulder, CO 80304 US

8 AM - 5 PM MT Mon-Fri

Network Management

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Network Management is focused on managing and monitoring network devices (i.e., network resources including both Physical Network Functions and Virtual Network Functions) participating in providing communication services. Network Management of communication networks include activities around Fault Management, Configuration Management, Accounting Management, Performance Management and Security Management of resources.

Fault Management seeks to identify, isolate, correct and record system faults.

Configuration Management modifies system configuration variables and collects configuration information.

Accounting Management collects usage statistics for service subscribers and includes capacity planning.

Performance Management focuses on the collection of performance metrics, analysis of these metrics to establish subscriber quality of service/quality of experience.

Security Management encompasses identification and authorization of users and equipment, provides audit logs and alerting functions, as well as providing vulnerability assessment.

Network and Resource Management Services

  • Fault Management
  • Configuration Management
  • Accounting Management
  • Performance Management
  • Security Management
Network Management