Consulting Services
Communication System Design and Architecture
Software Architecture Services for the Communications Industry: Requirements Analysis, Use Case and User Story Identification, Requirements Traceability Matrices, Requirements Design and Documentation, High Level and Detailed Design, and UML-Oriented Architecture.
Service Lifecycle Management
Service Lifecycle Management is focused on identifying and modeling the lifecycle stages of communication services.
Business Process Modeling
Business Process Modeling is a key aspect of automating and operationalizing Communication Service Providers’ products and services.
Information Modeling
Information Modeling identifies the information and data which flows through the defined Business Process Flows.
Interface Definitions
Interface definitions model the dynamic behavior between components including what one component provides another.
API Specifications
APIs include a set of routines, protocols and tools for building software applications and specify how software components should interact.
Data Modeling
As part of an Interface Definition, Data Models define a common set of data structures specific to a protocol carried over the interface.
Network Management
Network Management is focused on managing and monitoring network devices participating in providing communication services.
Unique and advanced training offerings are available for the following: SDN Training for Network Engineers, Python Programming for SDN and Network Engineers, Introduction to Linux, Specific SDN Hardware and Controllers, SDN Applications, Cloud Technologies, NETCONF/YANG, and more to come. We can construct a training curriculum to fit your needs.
Project Management
Project Management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to achieve the goals of a defined project within established constraints including resources, time, and budget.
Network Engineering
Network Engineering entails the application of the knowledge of network technologies and protocols as well as the skills, tools, and techniques utilized to establish and maintain best practices for the development of a suitable plan, the testing and deployment of new equipment and applications, and steady-state operation of the network.
Product Lifecycle Management
Project Management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to achieve the goals of a defined project within established constraints including resources, time, and budget.
Standards Body Services Oversight and Guidance
Standards body technical leadership and providing oversight to project technologies, including MEF, IETF, TM Forum, SCTE, ONAP, ONUG, CableLabs, OpenDaylight and others.